Cloud Advisory

Move anywhere in the Cloud using Aquila Clouds as your trusted advisor

Cloud Advisory

Target audience: Cloud Migration Engineers, Consultants

Migrating to the cloud or another cloud is not daunting as it seems if you have all the information you need. Cloud Advisory assesses your workloads on their cloud readiness, and make recommendations on the best cloud option(s) for them in terms of cost and performance. You will be all in the know before taking any actions.

Besides Cloud Advisory as a product, Aquila Clouds also provides Cloud Migration as part of our professional services.

Aquila Clouds Cloud Advisory capabilities include:

Cloud migration readiness assessment

Cloud Advisory discovers your workload footprints on prem and assess the readiness of each workload to move to the cloud.

Cloud cost comparison

For each workload Cloud Advisory provides you with cost comparisons across different cloud options so that you can rest assured to land on a good cloud environment with best cost and performance.

Cloud migration execution

Aquila Clouds Professional Services team engages in cloud migration projects with our clients, giving oversight on technologies and project executions.

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