2022’s Guide to Selecting Cloud Finance Management Tool

Today, every business has a complete suite of powerful software and processes to manage their finances. Multiple financial management tools are adopted for different financial tasks like sending out invoices, preparing budgets & expenses, managing purchase requests, and handling all types of payments. Separate business units previously do all these tasks which often led to miscommunication among the units and caused chances of mistakes and delays in completing the process. 

A cloud finance management tool is the process of managing a business’ cloud financial planning. It helps businesses and their financial team to have a defined environment of connected tools for their multiple functions like managing accounts, financial reports, invoicing, payrolls, and budgeting. With the cloud, the data required by any business unit can be easily assessed without any hassle. 

Advantages of Cloud Finance Management Tool for a business

Inexpensive – Cloud finance management tools are inexpensive compared to on-premises cloud chargeback management tools. It is a subscription-based management tool, you pay for only what you require for your business.

Automated updates – Cloud finance management tools do not require any additional installation for updates as it updates automatically thus saving time and no human intervention. 

Accessible on Mobile – The cloud data can be accessed from anywhere and anytime, you just need a mobile device and the internet. 

Forecasting & Planning – A cloud finance management tool helps in influential forecasting and budgeting of a business’s financial resources. The management can easily access the data and create an effective financial strategy.

Centralized Management – A cloud finance management tool is a centralized management platform where all the processes and tasks can be easily managed and controlled by the finance team.

Best Cloud Finance Management Tool


FinOps assesses and optimizes finance health for organizations invested in the cloud. On average, over 35% of cloud spending goes to waste due to typical reasons of idling and overprovisioning. FinOps provides visibility into cost and resource utilization trends along with targeted reports and proactive alerts so that users can be in the know all the time. Our automated actions alleviate operators of complex and error-prone operations while improving their productivity by orders of magnitude. FinOps is your long-term partner for cloud finance strategy and the best cloud finance management tool.

How FinOps helps your business in your cloud finance management

  • Full Cloud Spending visibility
  • Offer Recommendations and automated actions
  • Effective scheduling for cost reduction
  • Hierarchical domain system
  • Reporting and communication for collaborations

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